
ICoSTEE 2022 Conference

General information

General information

2021. December 07.
1 perc

As we have informed you the International Conference on Science, Technology, Engineering and Economy will be held on the 24th of March 2022 in a hybrid mode.

On site: 7 Mars sq. Szeged, & Online: on BBB platform; link will be deliver by e-email for registered participants.

The one-day event will start with a plenary session with forward-looking presentations and be followed by parallel sessions covering different disciplines. Multidisciplinary presentations are also welcome. All abstracts will be published electronically in a book of abstracts with an ISBN number. Selected contributions will be invited for the full paper submission (Analecta Technica Szegediensia, Progress in Agricultural Engineering, Analecta Alimentaria Sapientia, Acta Technica Corviniensis) and authors will be offered the opportunity for written full text publications.


Important information:

Please send the poster in pdf file format to by March 21. The posters will also be available on the conference platform.



Organizing Institutions:

University of Szeged,

Faculty of Engineering

Hungarian Academy of Sciencies,

Commettee on Bio- and Agricultural Engineering

Regional Commettee in Szeged

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