Friday, 07 March 2025


Physics laboratory

  • Responsible department: Department of Biosystems Engineering
  • Address: H-6725 Szeged, Moszkvai krt. 5-7, building “C”, ground floor
  • Responsible persons: Pappné Sziládi Katalin, Nikolett Szpisják- Gulyás

The Physics laboratory offers place for the practical classes of the “Physics” subject, as well as for the research work in connection with color-analysis and rheological measurements. Students can use this laboratory as a research scope for their thesis works as well.


In the first semester students take different hydrostatic and hydrodynamic measurements (for example the measurement of surface tension with tachometer; the metering of viscosity with Ostwald- and Höppler-viscometer, as well as with Rheotest- and Haake rotation viscometer; and the characteristics of fluid mechanics with Venturi tube).

In the second semester’s topic of optics students have the opportunity to take laboratory classes in respect of polarimetry, refractometry and spectrophotometry, and measurements of chromaticity coordinates can also be taken. In this semester our students also deal with calorimetry (determination of melting and specific heat) and thermodynamic investigation with thermocouples and resistance thermometers.


Fields of research taking place in the laboratory:

  1. The application of color-measurement in the process of food industrial production and quality control
  2. Rheological investigation of different food industrial materials

Available equipments and instruments

  • HunterLabMiniscan XE Plus spectrophotometric color analyzer
  • Minolta CR-300 tristimulus color analyzer
  • Helios d spectrophotometer
  • Rheotest II viscometer
  • Haake VT500 viscometer

Transport phenomena laboratory

  • Responsible department: Department of Biosystems Engineering
  • Address: 6725 Szeged Moszkvai krt. 9., Building D, F.14. lab.
  • Responsible persons: Dr. Sándor Beszédes, Dorottya Csenki

Lab for transport phenomena offers place and opportunity for students to study the basic equipment and improve their practical and technical skills. During the practical course of unit operation in food process engineering, unit operation for biochemical engineering, and heat and mass transport processes the students can study the following process: gravitational sedimentation, sieving analysis, grinding, fluidization, centrifugal separation, linear heat conduction, evaporation, drying, and heat transfer in heat exchangers.

Researches facilities: determination of heat conductivity of solid samples, determination of particle size distribution by sieving analysis, centrifugal filtering of liquid materials, concentration of heat sensitive components from food and biotechnology industry raw materials by semi pilot vacuum evaporator.


Equipment available

  • Retsch AS200 sieve shakers with test sieves (71 mm-2,5mm) for particle size determination
  • CEPA centrifugal filter to study the filterability of different fluids
  • Plate heat exchanger plant to study the liquid-liquid heat exchange and heat transfer processes
  • Armfield UOP 22-23 modular vacuum evaporator with rising and falling film units to investigate the mild concentration of liquids and suspensions containing heat sensitive components
  • Retsch TG200 fluid bed dryer to examine the dehydration process in laboratory scale
  • Armfield H10-11 heat transfer unit to study the steady state heat conduction process


Thermodynamics and Hydrodynamics teaching and research laboratory

Institute: Process Engineering Institute

Place of laboratory: H-6725 Szeged, Moszkvai Boulevard 9. Building D. First Floor, 1.4 lab.

Person in charge: Prof. Dr. Gábor Keszthelyi-Szabó, Dr. István Péter Szabó, András Vecseri

Phone: +36-62-546-567; +36-62-546-500; +36-62-546-549

The thermal measurements and laboratory facilities experiments can be performed in the air for status changes, compressor cooling and plumbing systems and other industrial inquiries regarding. The measurement data collection device used in our temperature, relative humidity, material moisture, air velocity, pressure, differential pressure, light intensity, light intensity measurement, data collection and other building energy measurements as regards an industrial area. Our students use the lab instrumentation in the preparation of theses.

According to the microwave field research topic: measuring different state (liquid, suspension, solid dielectrics, etc) materials dielectric properties of static and continuous operating conditions. Based on the measurements, add a standard calibration curves. Microwave performing material treatments, setting up bio-energy models using multifactor experiment planning strategies.



Heat and Hydrodynamics

Technical Thermodynamics and Energy management

Technical Hydrodynamics, thermodynamics and mass transport

Building Services



  • Rohde & Schwarz ZVL3 DAK3.5 Dielectric-measuring system determining the dielectric properties (dielectric constant and dielectric loss factor) liquids as well as 200 MHz to 3 GHz for sludge or gelatinous materials
  • Armfield TH5 gas measuring equipment to demonstrate reversible state changes
  • Armfield HT10XC, HT11C HT12C and measuring equipment testing conduction testing
  • Armfield HT14C measuring apparatus combined heat transfer and heat radiation
  • DAR 3 refrigerator compressor, a single-stage compressor refrigeration cycle testing
  • DAR 5 climate control air channel, air-conditioning for modelling tasks
  • Differential pressure gauge, air humidity and temperature measurement, data acquisition, endoscope current and voltage data logger, thermocouples, resistance thermometers counter
  • National Instruments WSN RF pulse and temperature data logger
  • 200 bar compressor optical tachometer
  • Body temperature, humidity and voltage data collectors, collecting data Testo pulse, body surface probe, body type K thermocouples bare die, body immersion sensor
  • Body material moisture meter, measuring instrument Testo plumbing, electricity meters, the flue gas analyser, lux
  • Continuously flow microwave operating and measuring system of various viscosity materials (industrial waste water, industrial oil emulsions, etc.), for microwave pre-treatment bioenergetics recovery purpose
  • Dielectric measurement system for measurement of dielectric constant and dielectric loss factor for liquid and solid samples in the frequency range of 200-3000 MHz by SPEAG DAK 3.5 open ended coaxial dielectric probe.

Membrane techniques research laboratory


Responsible department: Department of Biosystems Engineering

Place/location: 6725 Szeged Moszkvai krt. 5-7., C building. 17. lab.

Head of the laboratory: Dr. Szabolcs Kertész

Responsible for the laboratory: Péter Szarka

Phone: +36-62-546-584

The educational and research work in the laboratory

Membrane separation processes can be tested in the laboratory by different devices related to water, public utilities, sewerage, as well as water- and wastewater treatment via Hungarian and foreign language courses.

All of the pressure driven membrane separation processes, namely the microfiltration (MF), ultrafiltration (UF), nanofiltration (NF) and reverse osmosis (RO) can be examined by using different membrane devices. For example, the operational parameters such as temperature, recirculation flow rate or transmembrane pressure can be investigated.

The student can use this laboratory as a research scope for their thesis works.

The following issues can be studied:

-Vibratory shear-enhanced membrane filtration (MF, UF, NF, RO) process (VESEP) for decreasing the membrane fouling.

-Micellar enhanced micro- and ultrafiltration (MF, UF) for increasing efficiency

-Paterson Candy International (PCI) tubular membrane module test for wastewater purification and concentration of food industry products and by-products.

-Contact angle and surface tension determination by goniometer

-Total organic carbon (TOC) measurements

-organic and inorganic carbon determination from samples

Devices and equipments in the laboratory

  • VSEP (Vibratory Shear-Enhanced Processing) (New Logic Research, Inc.) Series LP vibrational membrane filtration device for testing of operational parameters, separation of materials/compounds or pollutants and concentration of different solutions;
  • MEUF (Micellar Enhanced Ultrafiltration) (Millipore) micelle enhanced ultra- and microfiltration device for the parameters’ optimisation;
  • PCI (Paterson Candy International) tubular polymer membrane module;
  • Goniometer (OCA 15Pro, Dataphysics) for the determination of the membrane’s contact angle and liquid surface tension;
  • TOC analytic equipment (Total Organic Carbon) (Teledyne Tekmar) for the determination of total organic carbon and total nitrogen (TN);
  • 3DTA Uwatech membrane separation device

Environmental Engineer laboratory

Responsible department: Department of Biosystems Engineering

Localization: H-6725, Szeged, Moszkvai krt. 9., building D. laboratory I.13.

Head of laboratory: Zsuzsanna László PhD.

Responsible person for the laboratory: Gábor Veréb PhD., Péter Szarka

Phone: +36-62-546-582

Summary of the educational and research works carried out in the laboratory

In the Environmental Engineer laboratory practices are carried out in connection with “Transport processes and operations of food industry”; “Environmental engineering operations”; “Public utilities of water, channels and wastewater treatments”; “Environmental Technology” courses. Moreover, educational and research works connected to water/wastewater purification and membrane separation are also carried out in this laboratory. The laboratory is equipped for the study of basic water/wastewater treatment processes (flocculation, sedimentation, centrifugation, flotation, membrane separation (micro- and ultrafiltration), aeration, ozonation) and for analytical measurements (chemical oxygen demand, biochemical oxygen demand, biogas production, extractable oil content, gas chromatography).

Research topics of the laboratory: Investigation of adsorption/desorption reactions in filled columns; quantitative and qualitative characterization of organic contaminants with gas chromatography; determination of extractable oil content of surface- and ground waters and wastewaters; investigation of dissolved oxygen content of aerobic reactor; investigation of the efficiency of centrifugation in case of different centrifugation speeds and times; investigation and development of coagulation/flocculation methods; investigation of membrane separation treatments; investigation of the effects of ultrasonication and ozonation on membrane separation.

Equipments and devices of the laboratory

  • Armfield UOP15 type, fixed-bed, activated carbon filled adsorption equipment for the determination of adsorption isotherms at various temperatures.
  • Dani Master gaschromatograph
  • Oil analyzer (InfraCal TOG/TPH Analyzer Wilks)
  • Armfield W11 type (heated or cooled) Aerobic Digester equipped with pump, temperature controller, dissolved oxygen sensor and pH sensor
  • ThermoScientific Megafuge 16 Centrifuge (Temperature controlling: -10-40 °C)
  • FP4 Welp Jar-test flocculator
  • Biowave spectrophotometer
  • Ozongenerator ( BTX 802x; 4 g/h)
  • Ultrasonicators (Hielscher UP50H; UP200S)
  • Millipore membrane separation reactors (2 pcs XFUF07601)

Bioengineering Laboratory

Responsible department: Department of Biosystems Engineering

Localization: H-6725, Szeged, Moszkvai krt. 9., building D. laboratory I.12.

Head of laboratory: Prof. Dr. Cecilia Hodúr

Responsible person for the laboratory: Balázs Lemmer, Zoltán Jákói, Dorottya Csenki, Péter Szarka

Summary of the educational and research works carried out in the laboratory

  • Bioengineering processing and unit operations
  • Transport phenomena in Food engineering
  • Technical chemistry

    Special student research topics

    Utilisation of wastes and by-products, i.e. bio-Diesel from waste sunflower oil, sugar from cellulose contain wastes by enzymatic degradation.

    Devices and equipment in the lab
    • Minifors Desktop Fermentation System: Investigate the process of fermentation in which an organic substance is subjected to the action of an enzyme.
    • Vacuum drying cabinet: Testing dryness of heat-sensitive materials using a special dry vacuum cleaner. We can track the benefit of lower drying temperatures (decreasing the boiling point of the liquid).
    • ERAFLESH Automatic Closure Flash Point Meter Portable Device. The equipment is suitable for determining the flash point of oils, solvents, lacquers and biofuels.
    • Armfield BE1-A lab test reactor: Presentation of intermittent enzyme catalysis and effect of different parameters on the rate of enzyme reaction.
    • Armfield W11-1 aerobic exploration equipment: Determination of the total absorption coefficient, KLa, for the calculation of the mass transfer processes.

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