Friday, 14 March 2025


Technical Chemistry

Our Institute is responsible for teaching basics of chemistry for mechanical engineer, mechatronics engineer and technical manager students. In the course of the Technical Chemistry, students will acquire the basic knowledge of organic and inorganic chemistry, thermodynamics, chemical kinetics, chemical equilibrium, and learn important chemical problems related to technical practice, such as corrosion protection, motor fuels, lubricants chemistry, firing, water chemistry. Mechanical engineer and mechatronics engineer students deepen their theoretical knowledge in laboratory and calculation exercises.

Lecturers: Zsuzsanna LÁSZLÓ PhD., Dorottya CSENKI, Ákos FAZEKAS

Unit operation

Department of Biosystems Engineering provides special unit operation courses for students taking part in food engineering, mechanical engineering in agriculture and food industry, environmental engineering, and bioengineering training program. Undergraduate and master’s level courses are the follows: Unit operation in food engineering, Unit operations of chemical engineering, Unit operations of biochemical engineering, Unit operations in environmental engineering, Fluid mechanics, heat and mass transfer. Courses aim at the understanding the fundamental principles and computational methods of momentum transfer (sedimentation, filtration, homogenization, fluidization), heat transfer (heat conduction, radiation, heat convection) and mass transfer (diffusion, absorption, adsorption, extraction, drying). For deeper understanding of transport phenomena and to improve the technical skills Department provide lab practice course in all subjects.

Labs for practical courses: Lab for transport phenomena, Student lab for biochemical engineering, Lab for environmental engineering.

Lecturers: Prof. Cecilia HODÚR DSC, Zsuzsanna LÁSZLÓ PhD., Sándor BESZÉDES PhD., Dorottya CSENKI, Péter SZARKA


Transport phenomena

The course helps a deeper understanding of momentum, mass and heat transport phenomena for MSc students of Food Engineering and Environmental Engineering.

The main scope of the course is the exact mathematical describe of the transport phenomena and the discussion of the related solutions of different practical problems.

Laboratories: Transport phenomena laboratory, Bioengineering laboratory, Environmental Engineering laboratory

Lecturers: Prof. Cecilia HODÚR DSC, Sándor BESZÉDES PhD., Szabolcs KERTÉSZ PhD.


Technical Thermodynamics and Energy management, Thermodynamics and Hydrodynamics


Within the framework of Technical Thermodynamics and Energy management, the students of Mechanical-, and Technical Engineers, Mechatronics, and Bioengineering (BSc) acquire on theoretical and practical sessions the thermodynamic basics of gases and vapours. They get to know the: equations of states including the ideal gas law, the laws of thermodynamics, the Carnot cycle for heat engines and heat pump, examples of gas cycles including the Otto-, Diesel- and Brayton cycle, ideal steam cycles (the Rankine-Clausius cycle) with heat exchanger, steam generator, turbine and condenser. Moreover graduate and post graduate courses are offered to deepen the knowledge in selected fields of heat transfer, thermodynamics of air conditioning, cooling and refrigeration cycles in different phase diagrams (lgp-h, T-s). Students become acquainted with theoretical and technical problems of energy management, power-handling capability input, power-supply and renewable energy utilization.

Within the framework of Thermodynamics and Hydrodynamics the students acquire on theoretical and practical sessions the basics of mechanics of ideal and real fluids, laws of similarity in fluid mechanics and dimensional analysis. After this lecture students should be able to explain viscosity and how it changes with temperature, write the continuity equation, define laminar and turbulent flow by using the Reynolds number, write and explain the Bernoulli equation and the Navier-Stokes equation.

Lecturers: Prof. Gábor KESZTHELYI-SZABÓ DSC


Environmental engineering, Environmental management

In the Faculty of Engineering our Institute is responsible for the education of all the courses about basic environmental knowledge. In these courses our students get knowledge about global environmental problems (global warming, environmental elements, water-, air-, soil contaminations and their protection), tools of environmental management and basic technologies of environmental protection.

Laboratories: Environmental Engineer laboratory, Bioengineer laboratory

Lecturers: Zsuzsanna LÁSZLÓ PhD., Szabolcs KERTÉSZ PhD., Gábor VERÉB PhD., Ferenc SZABÓ


Public utilities of water, channels and wastewater treatments

We give a basic knowledge for Environmental Engineer BSc students about water- and wastewater treatments, during oral lectures and laboratory practices. Students learn the theoretical basis of mechanical (sedimentation, filtration), physical-chemical (clarification) and biological (aerobic, anaerobic) purification methods and the technologies used in practice.

Laboratories: Environmental Engineer laboratory, Membrane separation laboratory

Lecturers: Szabolcs KERTÉSZ PhD., Gábor VERÉB PhD.


Environmental Technology

We present for Environmental Engineer BSc students the basic environmental-, air- and water purification technologies during laboratory practices. During this course the students get knowledge about the basics of the protection of environmental elements, basics of air pollution measurements, treatments of air purification, methods of measuring noise and basics of wastewater treatments.

Laboratories: Environmental Engineer laboratory, Bioengineer laboratory

Lecturers: Zsuzsanna LÁSZLÓ PhD., Szabolcs KERTÉSZ PhD., Gábor VERÉB PhD.

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