Wednesday, 24 April 2024


Basic Education (BSc):


Mechanical Engineer:


The aim of this educating is to train mechanical engineers who are capable of operating and maintaining machine and mechanical equipment, introducing or applying engineering technology, organizing and managing the work, performing the average complexity of technical development, research and design according to the needs of the labor market; and have the necessary depth of knowledge to continue the training in the second cycle.


Technical Manager:


The aim of the training is to train energetic engineers who have the right knowledge of natural science, engineering science, management and organizational skills to integrate the material, IT, financial and human processes of products and services, and have theoretical knowledge of sufficient depth in the second cycle of training resume.


Agricultural and Food Industrial Mechanical Engineer:


The aim of the course is to train agricultural and food mechanical engineers who are able to handle the development tasks of mechanical, technical and technological equipment, to carry out the management tasks of production and machine operation, and to have theoretical knowledge of sufficient depth in the possession of their natural, technical, economic and human knowledge to continue the training in the second cycle.


Master's Degree (MSc):


Technical Manager:


The aim of the training is to train engineers who are able to manage complex technical-economic tasks through their natural sciences, engineering and IT skills, management and organizational sciences and their language knowledge and skills, i.e. the technical and economic planning, organization of the process, the management of the implementation and the results as well as the continuation of management and organizational studies in the field of doctoral education.

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