Saturday, 27 July 2024

Dean's Welcome

Dear Visitor,



I warmly welcome you on the homepage of the Faculty of Engineering of the University of Szeged .

The mission of the Faculty is to contribute to the economic development of the South-Hungary EU-region with high quality education and research in technical, natural, economic sciences, rural development and food engineering.

FEUSZ is a technical faculty with 60 years of educational and R&D experience, an appealing choice for potential students in BSc and MSc programs, highly qualified and acknowledged faculty, a perfect balance of theoretical and practical training based on extensive industrial relations.

The Faculty has changed a lot during the transition from a College of Food Engineering to a Faculty of Engineering, but its fundamental philosophy has remained unchanged. Citing the wisdom of Albert Szent-Györgyi, a Nobel laureate scientist and earlier rector of the University of Szeged: „Our future is determined by our present education.” The pillars of a school are not its walls but its spirituality. We invite our students to be part of the spirituality of the Faculty rooted in 60 years of high-quality teaching and services.

We hope that our students become broad-minded, creative, erudite professionals with high morals, keeping and creating values. We strive to perform our tasks at the highest level of our knowledge and to meet the challenges with honour at all times. We endeavour to keep the prestige of our diplomas and to earn the acknowledgement of the labour market.

I recommend the homepage of the FEUSZ to your kind attention. I believe in the importance of sharing values, aspirations, and achievements concerning education, research, cooperation, sports, and student life – anything that might be interesting and useful for our present and future students.


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